heya there! well it's almost Halloween but we don't celebrate that much here in our country. we focus on the nov. 1 & 2 holiday. which is the all saint's day and all souls day. people do flock to the cemetery on that days to remember their loved ones. but there are some who adopt that western tradition here. living like a westerner... i don't get it! "trick or treat!" whats the essence of it? i know its a kids stuff thing.but in my own point of view their costumes is not that scary at all. Philippine ghost or scary legendary characters are much more scarier compare to them. Just try to whats those old movies even the new one with a much special suspense trick. now that's what i call a best trick or treat. :) compare to the western traditions their celebration is much more on the fancy side and what's in which focuses soo much on the costumes.
well whatever your traditions are just enjoy the holiday!
well whatever your traditions are just enjoy the holiday!